Sunday, August 28, 2005

Not Iggy...

Yesterday in a spur of the moment decision, I bought a really awesome Bearded Desert Dragon. They're like Iguanas, only a lot more active. Right now he lives in my room in a 29 by 10 feet glass case, complete with carpetting, fake bonzai (he loves to climb), watering pools and rock formations. He loves hunting live crickets which I keep for him in a special habitat of their own and treat him to on Sundays. Other days of the week, he eats lettuce, grans and dead crickets. Right now he's only a month old and six inches long. He's supposed to grow to almost 2 feet if well taken care of.

His Highness' habitat needs to be vacuumed thrice a month and his water changed everyday and fed a healthy diet.

However, he is still unchristened. If you guys have good ideas for a name (which is not Iggy) I'd like to know.



  1. Don't make it a proper noun... name Him after something abstract...

    maybe just "Him"

  2. or something sinister but vague... "The Darkness"..

    "Have you fed The Darkness tonight?"

    (look at guest in the room with a smile and say) "No, but it won't be long now..."

    or something like that...

  3. that is actually a rather good idea tuvoks, well done. but people here will claim that i named him after a punk rock band...

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    how about ryki (pronounced ricky) it means nothing, but I'm sure u can come up with something!

  5. Call him the Lizard King.

    I am the Lizard King, I can do anything.

    (Quick! Quiz funda!)

    Or you could call him Arthur.

  6. i still stick with panda. maybe you could name him after somebody else in college like The Renu or sailo or salil. i think salil's also a good choice.

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    BANJO: having a narrow neck and round body. Good turtle name?

    FAFNIR, FAFNER: Norse myth name (a dragon)

    XIUHCOATL: Nahuatl. "Fire serpent" or "weapon of destruction."

    ZELENKA: Female Czech name meaning "little green one."


    One day in the jungle, Iggy climbs up a tree and finds Maity sitting on a branch, smoking some weed. Iggy asks him for some but Maity keeps saying

    "No, you're a lightweight, it'll go straight to your head."

    But eventually after some pestering, Maity gives Iggy some of the weed. after smoking for a bit, Iggy starts to get a bit thirsty, being a lightweight and all, so he goes down to the lake to get a drink.

    While he's down at the lake, he sees "The Fafner" who asks him where he's been, as he seems a bit high. Iggy tells "The Fafner" he's been up in the tree smoking with Maity, so "The Fafner" goes up to ask Maity if he can have any.

    So as Maity's sitting there, high as a kite, waiting for Iggy to get back, he sees "The Fafner" climb up onto the branch.

    "Bloody hell!" yells Maity, "How much freakin' water did you drink?"

  8. What do you call a playboy dragon?

    Hugh Fafner.

    AS Murthy might say, we're all just faffing around.

  9. Did chandna write the The fafner bit. its very unlike him! and i approve very much of 'fafner'. how do you get the crickets? and did i read wrong or do you infact have a 29 feet by 10 feet glass case?! how'd that fit in you room?

  10. well i have a rather large room!

    no, no, it's actually 29in by 10in.

    Now I have a databank of names. Christening is this weekend. Free champagne for everyone.

    crickets? Well i buy 10 at a time and keep them in a special cricket case.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "Did chandna write the The fafner bit. its very unlike him!"

    Someone stole my password!!

    .. no wait.. i did write The fafner bit.. hehe ;-)

  12. Why don't you cal him Notiggy?

    (Or Naughty Jee!)

  13. Call him Blozo...

    Chandna... (sigh).

    Yohan, "if you know your trivia, you gotta let it show" eh what?! :)

  14. A Lizard named Blozo... Of all the pets you could've had, you picked a lizard!

    Comon, its a sign!

    Anyone else remember how Blozo got his name?

  15. tis stuff legends are made of...
