Thursday, February 22, 2007

Who Da Man?

Hillary or Obama? With all the mudslinging, methinks, neither. Besides, I don't think the US is ready for a woman or a black president. So who do we have left? Giuliani? McCain?
Speaking of men, here's saying Happy Birthday, to President Robert Mugabe. May his inflation be with him. He is the man! What do you do when you want to spend $65,ooo on a birthday party when there's 1600% inflation and the country is on the verge of civil war? Simple, you make inflation illegal and you go on state-controlled TV and ask to be relected for another 6 year term to add to the glorious past 27 years. It works.
Who's excited about Britney's hair?


  1. Banana republics are just trippy if you're not in them. And after 2000, I gave up trying to figure out how US Presidential elections work. Or expecting them to appoint the guy the majority voted for.

    teksvo: That Texan.

  2. By the way, I'm tagging you to put down three things about yourself that no one knows about you and wouldn't know from reading your blog. Put it in comment space (mine or yours) if you want.

  3. And sorry for being such a spaz with all the comments, but where's the Yoda doobie picture? I just noticed it seems to be gone.

  4. Obama seems like a good sort, but neither he nor Hillary can win. If one of them wins the primaries, then I think we're in for another 4 years of Rebublican evil.

    toxpv: toxic point of view.

  5. Ideally, I'd say Obama for the win. I doubt we're ready for that as well, however.

    So far, Giuliani is the only well-known confirmed Republican nominee but his mayoral background leaves a lot to be desired in terms of his experience on numerous issues including national defense and foreign policy.

    McCain, who will probably confirm his bid, is the forerunner for the Republicans but he's quite the moderate, which may not sit well with those evangelicals in the South who were staunch supporters for Bush. Afterall, McCain supported states' rights to determine whether or not to ban gay marriage. Another note of interest is McCain's recent 180 regarding embryonic stem cell research. For someone who advocates overturning Roe v. Wade, which would limit the cells accessible for research, it's pretty damn puzzling. Not to mention he used the term "gook" (when describing his Vietnamese captors during the Vietnam War), a racial slur, yet he has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh. Surprised?

    '08 is looking pretty hopeless at this point.

  6. Got so caught up with the politics I forgot to include my thoughts on the newly bald princess of pop.

    She definitely can't pull off the baldness. She ain't no Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3 nor Natalie Portman.

    The whole Britney fiasco is getting as ridiculous as Anna Nicole Smith's entire life. Britney has been to rehab, count it, three times already in the span of a week! She's practically giving her kids to KFed.

    Blah, why do I know this shit? Haha

  7. Anonymous1:15 AM

    My vote(make that heart) is with Obama. But Hillary will do too( Some of her speeches piss me off though.Mighty did you check the link on Mankiw's Blog? She sounds like a communist!) I Think Republican's will be voted out. If for nothing else, than for change.
    Britney, can't believe she's still 24!

  8. Britney Spears vs. Michael Jackson!

    Who do u think will do better on the 'Normality' test???

  9. Britney by a hair. Ha-ha. Bad pun intended. =P
