Thursday, July 27, 2006

"Only God Knows Everything, And He Works For Mossad"

Continuing with my absolute lack of motivation to do some serious work, I've been watching a lot of movies lately.

I really didn't want to post anything, I just found the title funny, and after watching "Raid on Entebbe" quite true. (Albeit, the Entebbe rescue operation was conducted by Aman and the Sayeret Matkal, you know what I mean.)

In preparation for the release of Clerks II, I sat and watched the entire Kevin Smith collection in chronological order: "Clerks", "Mallrats", "Chasing Amy", "Dogma" and "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". All of these are nerd movies. Not the "Revenge of the Nerds" kind of nerd movie, but more like "Real Genius" type. The movies are littered with "Star Wars", "Jaws", John Hughes' movies and comic book references, not to mention references to the other movies in the Smith collection.

I can't stand these yuppy joints. Some bozo went through the bathroom correcting all the grammar in the graffiti with a red pen.

The title of this post is a passing quote from the movie "The Constant Gardener". Nothing more to say at the moment.


  1. You know, I would have been that bozo if my hatred for public bathrooms wasn't greater than my love for correct grammar. And that's a LOT of love.

  2. Ola Senor! I take it you're still amongst the gringos. When are you off?

  3. 15th of Aug, but a lot to do before that. I had my wallet stolen in NYC...

  4. say, where are you again?

    I read a write up on you on your college website... very hardcore...

  5. Wha?? Vaks how did you manage to track down that article? They just made it sound cool...

    I'm still in New York, I'm flying out to Oslo on the 15th of Aug...
