Sunday, January 28, 2007

What Kind of an Indian Name is Jasmine?

Have to listen to this... why do people do this to themselves?


  1. Jasmine is a fairly common name in South India, actually.

    phvxoodz: dudes of the future.

  2. Hahaha Buddha call...freakin hilarious.

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    haha! Yohan to the defence!In general the worst names are mallu names. I had a friend called loosemary and priya or somebody has cousins named rexona and luxie!

  4. ...or jasmine can be the american version of jasmeet or sth.

  5. Anonymous4:42 AM

    i agree with some of the comments there though. It sounds quite fake.

  6. Pai you're right about the Mallu names. I've never been able to go to Kerala without thanking heaven that my parents didn't inflict something crappy on me by way of a name. And Jasmine doesn't sound so odd.

    The heroine of one of my favourite books is named Lux, though. I never thought it was strange.

  7. The Jasmines I knew were Tamilians. Apart from one French-Canadian chap in my dept.

    But I agree, Mallu names are shockers. There were the 3 sisters Lacy, Licey and Lousy. And guys get it too: Miju, Liju, Jiju, Biju, Shiju...

    Bongs get those funny nicknames like Gogo, but luckily they don't feature on their Birth Certificates. Check this out.

    In the end, we are all the same. Doubly so for fish-eating leftists.

  8. I meant this link:

  9. Totally random but there's this shampoo/soap brand called Lux. It's from the same people who make Dove, Vaseline, etc.

  10. As someone whose ethnic origins lie in one fish-eating Leftist state and spent her entire pre-adult life in the other... I'd have to come down on the side of Mallu Names Suck. All the weird Bong names I can think of are invariably nicknames, which means the kid at least has a shot at escaping from the label later in life.
    Gogo... sounds a bit Japanese to me, or maybe that's just the result of watching too much of Kill Bill Volume One .

  11. Gogo Roy was in Stephens....Quiz Club president in my first year.

  12. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Whats weird about Jasmine? I thought all the comments would be about the cheating husband!
    It could be fake ya.. but the guy sounded pretty natural... I mean, he was caught without any possible excuse.. so all he could do was try and blame the woman in ridiculous ways!

    fucking funny though!

  13. My my, Vaibhav is here...

    According to Yohan's site, my bong nickname should be Babai, but it's not... I wonder who messed up? Kinda happy it's not though.
