Friday, July 22, 2005

Backstroke of the West

Funnier than flushing Pickachu down the toilet in an aeroplane...


  1. Hee hee hee. Is this for real?

    By the way...what was so bad about Francis Fanthome?

    And we should get some economist-type to discuss the yuan thing with us. You think Tawaks will be up to it? [Note sarcastic undertone.]

  2. That was hilarious! His friend Dan did a better job on his site. I love subtitles! Especially while watching Hindi movies, when they translate the songs... gosh! The funniest thing ever! :D

  3. Hey JonJon long time no see...

    Yeah the Star Wars thing was pretty funny I thought. A lot of people are saying it's fake but knowing the Chinese it could damn well be real.

    Nothing's too bad about FF, just don't like the guy. ALways knew he was corrupt...and he screwed us in our ICSE exams.

    Yeah, the Yuan thing. I underplayed that cause I thought no one would want to get the hardcore on the economic implications of a 2% revaluation of a currency. The closest Tawaks has come to the chinese economy these days are Pekinese cats (sorry couldn't resist!).

    Ms. V, I know what you mean. Hindi subs are equally funny... "holy shit" --> "dharmik tatti"!

  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! DHARMIK TATTI.... I'm going to die laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yeah Geoege I was really disappointed by the English performance. They had josh but the Aussies were just too good in the second innings.

    You're right about KP a new find, but I wonder about his consistency. He's supposed to be a big-hitting one day player no? Dead rabbit?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Man...England got my hopes up (I know I'm no cricket buff, but I like to see underdogs triumph...let's hope for the best and expect the worst eh?)

    As far as the revaulation is concerned...2% is just the tip of the iceberg. I've been following the issue in Paul Krugman's columns and in Counterpunch, and it seems the Americans have wanted this for a while. Middle class consumer goods prices will go up (Made in China used to mean Cheap), but the Yanks will make more money from exports...hard to read this one, so I just read the pro's!

  8. True, the cost of Chinese exports will go up. But the question is will it go down significantly enough to make US goods competitive in the domestic market?

    It's not only the US, but other "first world" countries have been pushing for this revaluation for a while...

    However, it's interesting to realize that the loans the US have taken from the Chinese is going to be dearer now! But then again the US have rarely cared about debts!

    But like you said, it's best to learn from the experts.

    btw, who deleted a post from here?

  9. hey! i quite enjoyed the discussion here!Finally something i know a little about.i love discussing de-revalaution stuff.Can't say how effective the 2% revaluation is going to be(but as long as we benefit..).Its expected to be further revalualed and in this hope a lot a capital will flow into china, what is called "hot money".Its interesting to see how china will cope up with that along with the expected fall in exports etc. Its good to see that country can't isolate itself from the global economy for long.
    i like the way krugman writes, explains everything in very simple terms.stuff like de-revaluation is damn confusing.
    Maity i do know Uttam and hence my labelling him a piss-off is in no way arbitrary... and i do think he has a good chance of winning.

  10. Just my thoughts...

    I don't think China was trying to isolate itself. The attempt to keep the Yuan pegged to the USD was a very conscious move after considering the global economy.

    Yeah, for us Indians the revaluation is probably a good thing because it makes us more competitive, but for the Yanks, they shouldn't be kicked about anything yet. They have a rather LARGE trade deficit with China and a 2% revaluation ain't gonna make that disappear.

    Do you really think there's going to be a major fall in Chinese exports? Influx of "hot money" into the country, understandable, but a large fall in Chinese exports is quite far-fetched.

    Haven't read Krugman, where does he write?

    Yaar Pai, Uttam can go to the moon for all I care, don't find elections interesting anymore.

  11. Krugman has a syndicated column. NYT I think. You'll find his stuff on the Hindu website, and you should also be able to google it.

    Er...who's Uttam?

  12. Uttam is one of the buggers apart from Aby and Maya John who's standing for elections this year.

    NYT eh? Hard to find something useful in that 116 pages of shit.

  13. true there won't be much change in the chinese exports now..with imports also getting cheaper etc. but will happen eventually cause they can't keep up the 2% reval thing for long. Meant the long run(not the one where we are all dead) a few years, even the "hot money" is purely speculative. Many feel that may not really matter if the econmy slows down.lets wait and watch was what i said.
    though singhi's not standing for president but he's bound to be Uttam's main man.. already see him worried.i don't really care either but gives me something to gossip about at the flat..

  14. Ah gossip. Yes, that's always nice...

    I called Singhi yesterday, happened to talk to Mathew and Aby too as they were around trying to entice Singhi. "Too much politics, dude" is what Aby told me. Apparently there was some trouble with Cherian, not too clear on the details.

    Just asking for your opinion, do you really see the the Chinese or even our economy slowing down enough to counter the dearer cost of the Yuan? Not for the next ten years at least, what do you think?

  15. 你继续对话。
    Thee Dialog Continue.

    In 2005, the backstroke of the west subtitler began a cross cultural conversation.

    In 2009 a response has been formulated.

    %20 介绍 '後面偷掴懶與媒介' 媒体分析/视频的未来视频媒体搜索概念的考古证明/截止的上/重新编译系统,适用于所有星球大战围绕影片的作为进入仰泳的背景下采取行动释放分布式媒体。
    %20 introduces 'Thee Backslacpkipng With Media' a media analysis/video archeological proof of concept of a future video media search/cut-up/recompile system as applied to all the Star Wars media distributed around the release of the movie which acted as the backdrop to the backstroke.

    To fully appreciate the subtitle subterfuge, you'll have to download the full DVD, but to gain an understanding of this presentation, preview any chapter here: (Play options are on the right)

    企业抬价 Corporate Shill
    消费者妓女 Consumer Whore
    崇拜者文化嵌合体 Wannabee Cultural Chimera
