Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Row Row Row Your Boat

Oye, Bombay boys, how’s the water logging in B’Bay?


  1. Wait for my post. Wet was an understatement.

  2. You must have writer's block! a post to ask about water logging situation!?!
    hell! there are riots in my city! if you had to ask, you should have asked about that!!

    Not that I have anything exceptional to report... but its better than Water logging!!

  3. oh yea.. you know that Munjal guy too naa? He was one of Surd's good friends... hell! he sponsored harmony 2003!

    hehehehe... ok... suddenly, I am no longercompletely on the workers' side!

  4. what? you are some big friends with those rioters or what? How can you be sure they wouldn't have decided to burn anyone crossing the border into Gurgaon!

    No way!! you think Floods are as bad as roving bands of killers?!

    PS: whats waist deep for you can't be that bad anyway!
